Sample Quiz: Multiple Choice
Test Your Knowledge About the Age of Sail!
For each question below, select which answer you think is correct. Be sure to answer all the questions! Any which are left unanswered will be counted as incorrect. " + "Sample Quiz Results
"+ "Question 1: "+AA[1] + " Although in permanent drydock, HMS Victory is the oldest ship in the world with an active military commission, having been launched in 1765.
"+ "Question 2: "+AA[2] + " Four sailing frigates remain in the world as of 2015: USS Constitution, HMS Trincomalee, HMS Unicorn, and NRP Dom Fernando II e Glória.
"+ "Question 3: "+AA[3] + " Packet ships carried mail, freight, and passengers. The industry existed mostly during the 18th and 19th centuries.
"+ "Question 4: "+AA[4] + " Sovereign of the Seas reached a top speed 22 knots (41 kilometers per hour) in 1854, and held the record for a hundred years.
"+ "
"+ AA[0] + ", out of "+ numberQuestions + " questions, you correctly answered "+z+" of them. Your score is "+ Math.round((z/ numberQuestions) * 100) +"%." +"